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About GuruKul

We aim to avail the facilities for the students by which they come to know their real identity as a servant of Krishna, to accept the Krishna consciousness knowledge through working according to his instructions by studying, practicing and disseminating teachings of Srimad Bhagwatam and branches of Vedic Philosophy in the context of Srila Prabhupada's teachings in a traditional method.

In our Vedic education system, there is only a proper method of learning is the Gurukul System.Gurukul means master's Home (Guru - master, kula- house, or residency). In Vedic times student used to go in gurukul to acquire lessons from master by satisfactorily serving him with unconditional humility and doing welfare of his master.

Gurukul means to learn how to become obedient, self-controlled, and act on behalf of the guru. Our aim is how to mold the life to become fully Krishna conscious and fulfilling this aim is practicable with Gurukul Education System.

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GuruKul History

Year 1965, a man named A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, aged 69, fearlessly sails from India to New York, carrying with him a trunk of books and $7 in change, and a miracle happens that leaves the world astounded for years to come. The past is made, the present is the time we are living in, but one can achieve the vision to pave the path of a peaceful future for many, only through constant practice, dedication and faith.Year 1965, a man named A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, aged 69, fearlessly sails from India to New York, carrying with him a trunk of books and $7 in change, and a miracle happens that leaves the world astounded for years to come. The past is made, the present is the time we are living in, but one can achieve the vision to pave the path of a peaceful future for many, only through constant practice, dedication and faith.

Srila Prabhupada, was one such man who clearly showed that if you practice the good that you preach, then you ll leave no stones unturned to prove the validity of your practice and preaching.

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Prabhupada's Message

śrī-nārada uvāca brahmacārī guru-kule vasan dānto guror hitam ācaran dāsavan nīco gurau sudṛḍha-sauhṛdaḥ

From the very beginning, a brahmacārī is trained to sacrifice everything for the benefit of the guru. A brahmacārī is advised to go begging alms door to door, addressing all women as mother, and whatever he collects goes to the benefit of the guru. In this way he learns how to control his senses and sacrifice everything for the guru. When he is fully trained, if he likes he is allowed to marry. Thus he is not an ordinary gṛhastha who has learned only how to satisfy his senses. A trained gṛhastha can gradually give up household life and go to the forest to become increasingly enlightened in spiritual life and at last take sannyāsa. SB.7.12.01



ISKCON Pandharpur